汽车检测系统vehicle-healthcare device

您好!这是一份关于汽车消费者的问卷,您完成此问卷将会帮助我们完善我们的硕士毕业论文,我们论文工作是如何建立基于集成产品服务并以销售汽车检测结果为导向的销售方案模型,特别是如何让汽车消费者享受到便捷和安全。您完成此次问卷可能需要5分钟的时间,我们会非常感激您的贡献。Dear respondent answering to this survey you will contribute to our master thesis. We are working with how to establish a PSS selling model for vehicle-health care device , specifically focusing on making car using easier and more safe. The survey is anonymous and it will take about 5 minutes to be filled in, we really appreciate your contribution!

汽车检测系统vehicle-healthcare device

12题  |  1次引用

