Accounting fraud issues in Chinese enterprise 中国企业中的会计舞弊问题

Hello, I am a student of accounting profession, in order to complete the dissertation doing this questionnaire about Accountingfraud issues in Chinese enterprise. Please provide your valueable opinions and suggestions, these findings will serve as important reference material in the dissertation. Please select options you see fit as answers. The survey take the anonymous way and randomly selected, I will kept confidental for your answers. I am looking forward to receiving your completed form. Thanks for your cooperation.您好,我是一名会计专业的学生,为了完成毕业论文对中国企业的会计舞弊问题进行这次问卷调查。请您提供宝贵的意见和建议,这些调查结果将作为我完成毕业论文的重要参考材料。请选择您认为合适的选项作为答案。本次调查采取随机抽查不记名的方式,我对您的回答将予以保密,我期待能收到您填写完整的问卷,谢谢您的合作。

Accounting fraud issues in Chinese enterprise 中国企业中的会计舞弊问题

19题  |  0次引用

