
Dear Sir or Madam,親愛的同事, We are investigating ways to improve satisfaction with workplace restrooms and other amenities in our building. We would like to invite all employees that work on your floor to participate in an online survey. Your responses will help us develop new ideas for the office environment and you may even see some changes in our building as a result!我們正在找尋一些方法來提升本棟辦公樓里的洗手間及相關設施的滿意度。我們想要邀請本樓層的全體員工來參與一個線上市調。您的回答將幫助我們確定最適合的解決方案,以期達到煥然一新的面貌。 Your results and opinions in this survey will be combined with those of others. Your individual responses are entirely confidential and will be used for research purposes only. The results will be seen by the property management team and a third party we are working with to improve amenities.每位員工的回答和觀點都是被嚴格保密的,並且只作為本次調查使用。最終的報告將只會呈現整體的意見,而不是個人觀點。本次調查的結果僅有本棟大樓物管主任以及一個提供解決方案的第三方供應商可以讀取。 This survey is only open for a limited time; therefore we ask that you please complete the survey as soon as possible. Participation is purely optional and completing the survey is not a mandatory function of your job.本次市調僅限於這次洗手間改進測試期間,所以請幫助我們盡快完成調查問卷。參與調查完全是出於您自願的行為。 Thank you in advance for participating!非常感謝您的幫助! Regards,致敬!


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