2015年员工食堂满意度调查 2015 Staff Canteen Satisfaction Survey

      为了解员工对公司员工食堂的满意度,有效改善公司的管理环境,特组织本次问卷调查。本次调查以无记名方式进行,我们将对本次调查的结果进行汇总并改善,希望您根据真实感受作答,并对我们的工作提出宝贵的意见和建议。感谢您的支持和配合!     In order to improve employee’ssatisfaction of the staff canteen, here we invite you for the below survey. Theresults will be summarized and used for future improvement by HR & Admin.  Your comments are highly valued and any suggestionwill be appreciated. Thank you for your kind support & cooperation!

2015年员工食堂满意度调查 2015 Staff Canteen Satisfaction Survey

14题  |  4次引用

