对澳觅网上购物的客服满意度的调查(Customers Satisfaction Rate on AoMis Online Purchase)

十分感谢您能在百忙之中抽空来填写我们的问卷本问卷一共包含11道题在下面的满意度调查中五颗星代表最好,四颗星代表良好,三颗星代表一般,两颗星代表较差,一颗星代表非常差。Thank you so much for answering ourquestionnaires.In the following 11 questions whichinvestigate the rates on the satisfaction.Five Stars represents the best.Four stars represents good.Three stars represents simple.Two Stars represents not good.One star represents bad.

对澳觅网上购物的客服满意度的调查(Customers Satisfaction Rate on AoMis Online Purchase)

10题  |  0次引用

