
亲爱的同学们,我是广西大学国际学院英语专业的一名学生。目前正在做关于《”一带一路“建设对中国高校国际教育的影响》的调查,作为来华留学生,您的建议将给我们的研究带来极大意义,希望在您的帮助下能够顺利完成此项调查工作。您所填写的内容无对错之分,只要能够反映您的真实情况就好。本问卷的调查数据为研究所用,关于问卷的填写内容均为匿名,请放心填写。对您的参与和帮助表示衷心的感谢!Dear students, I am an English major student in International College of Guangxi University. I am conducting a questionnaire survey on the effect of the implementation of "the Belt and Road Initiative" on international education in Chinese universities. As a foreign student in China, your Suggestions will be of great significance to our research. We hope to complete this investigation smoothly with your help. There is no right or wrong answer, please spare your precious time to fill in this questionnaire. This questionnaire is anonymous and only for academic research. I promise to keep your information confidential. Please feel free to reply. Thank you for your support and cooperation.


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