Gender differences in the college studentsviews on love大学生恋爱观的性别差异

Dear students: Hello! We are students of Class 2, Department of Sociology in SISU. In order to understand the gender differences in college students on the devotion of both sides in the love , we conducted this questionnaire survey. This survey is anonymous and the questionnaire mainly consists of single-choice question. Would you like to spare a few minutes to answer the following questions in this questionnaire carefully and authentically, which contributes to us writing a complete report. Thanks for your help!尊敬的同学:您好!我们是四川外国语大学社会学系2班的学生。为了了解大学生们在恋爱观中存在的两性差异,我们开展了本次问卷调查。本调查是不记名方式,问题主要为单选题。请将您的真实想法提供给我们,能够让我们的调查结果更加真实有效,希望能够得到您的支持。谢谢!

Gender differences in the college studentsviews on love大学生恋爱观的性别差异

20题  |  1次引用

