
您好,我是英国威斯敏斯特大学的硕士研究生Lesley,感谢您参与我的硕士毕业论文调查问卷。这个问卷是针对“信息茧房”现象进行问卷调查(ps:信息茧房是指人们的信息领域会习惯性地被自己的兴趣所引导,从而将自己的生活桎梏于像蚕茧一般的“茧房”中的现象。)如果您有使用今日头条、腾讯新闻、趣头条等新闻聚合性平台,欢迎您参与本次问卷调查。本次问卷调查仅用于课题研究,并且遵守道德准则。如果您参与了问卷填写,则代表您同意参与该研究项目。此调查问卷采取匿名形式,您的回答将会被保密。再次感谢您的参与,如有问题,请与我联系, I’m Lesley, a postgraduate student at the University of Westminster. Thanks for participating this survey. This questionnaire is a survey on the phenomenon of ‘information cocoons’(ps: information cocoons means that viewers’s information fields will be guided by their own interests, thus shaving their lives in the cocoons). If you use news aggregator platforms such as TopBuzz, Tencent News, QuToutiao ect., welcome to participate in this survey.This survey only used by academic research, and obey ethical codes. If you fill this survey means you agree participate in this research project. Your answers to this survey will keep anonymous and remain confidential.Thank you for your time and participation. For any possible inquires please email me:  


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