春节期间出行问卷 Spring Festival Travel Questionnaire

大家好!春节假期即将到来,新冠疫情已卷土重来,无症状感染和中高风险地区日期增多。江苏省发布通知,鼓励大家春节后错峰返乡,原则上不出省,省内过节、线上拜年,确需返回的员工不得前往中高风险地区。同时,避免人员聚集、佩戴口罩、做好个人消毒和防护。根据昆山市疫情防控要求,现统计区内重点用工企业春节返乡情况,请大家于2021年1月11日前扫码完成附件的春节出行问卷,如有后续行程变动,请也务必及时更新并告知人事部,谢谢大家的配合!预祝大家春节快乐,平安健康,牛年大吉,牛气冲天!Hello everyone! The Spring Festival is coming, the Covid-19 is recurrencing, infections with no symptom and medium-high level risk areas are increasing. We call on everyone to continue to pay attention to the epidemic situation and comply with the relevant requirements of Jiangsu Province, its encouraged to avoid returning peak time back to hometown after Spring Festival, try to spend the holidays in Jiangsu Province as much as possible and in principle do not leave the province unless it’s really necessary. Send wishes and greetings online and stay in KS for Spring Festival. Please do NOT go to medium-high risk area. Meanwhile, please also avoid gathering, do wear masks and make sure of individual preventions.As requested by relevant department of Kunshan epidemic prevention and control, please scan the QR code to complete the Annex 1-Spring Festival Travel Questionnaire before January 11, 2021. In case of any changes, please do update the form and inform HR as well. Thank you very much for your cooperation! Wish all of you a happy Year of Ox and stay safe & healthy!

春节期间出行问卷 Spring Festival Travel Questionnaire

18题  |  3次引用

