2016创新项目展演2016Innovation project showcase

请参观我们的展台,从中选出一项你最喜爱的项目,并在3:00PM前提交本页面。 Please visit the showcase, chose ONE project as your most favorite and submit before 3:00PM today.

Q1:您最喜爱的项目是?What's your most favorite project ?

网关控制器GAW1.2平台产品开发Development of  gateway platform product GAW1.2
无铅选择焊零缺陷工艺Development of lead-free selective zero-defect soldering process
RPP2.3电机控制器开发及在上汽eRX5插电式混动汽车的应用RPP2.3 PEU development and pilot application on SAIC PHEV eRX5
适应国五及以上排放要求的OBD功能匹配方法及应用OBD function calibration method and application for emission regulation beyond CN5
DVE5.2NC L3多平台产品全自动化生产线DVE5.2NC L3 fully automatic production line for multi-platform products
摩托车PFI控制器MSE6.0开发Development of  PFI controller MSE6.0 for motorcycle 
48V助力回收系统开发Development of 48V boost recuperation system
EV14螺旋喷油器的开发与应用Development and application of EV14 screw injector
螺丝自动替换修正系统的理念和应用Concept and application of  screw automatic replacement and correction system
电子火花塞在高能量点火线圈试验中的应用Application of electronic spark plug for high energy ignition coil test
厚铜PCB 在大功率直流变换器中应用开发Thick-copper PCB application development for high power converter


2016创新项目展演2016Innovation project showcase

2题  |  0次引用

