教学法课堂:课堂教学活动Pedagogy: Teaching activities

感谢您参加教学法课堂:课堂教学活动视频征集。为感谢您的积极参与和对剑桥社区教师的支持,剑桥国际东亚团队特为您准备了一份小礼品。请您抽出5分钟将您的快递信息填入下面表格,我们会在截止日期后,将礼品快递给您。提交截至日期2022年7月15日。**以下信息仅用于邮寄礼品Thank you for participating the Pedagogy: Teaching activities. The Cambridge International East Asia team would like to send you a little gift for showing our appreciation to your participation and support to Cambridge International Teacher Community. The gift will be delivered after the submitting deadline. Please submit by 15 July 2022. ** The information is for gift delivery only.

教学法课堂:课堂教学活动Pedagogy: Teaching activities

5题  |  0次引用

