
【模板】桥接 - WFR 学习指南5-Day WFR Study Guide

严重过敏反应法则Anaphylaxis Protocol
出现什么样的体征和症状之后,应该建议救援者开始实施方案?Which signs and symptoms should prompt a rescuer to initiate this protocol?    ____________
列出处治严重过敏反应时使用的药物:包括剂量,给药途径和其他一些常见的副作用:List the medications used to treat anaphylaxis: Include the dosages, routes of administration, and some common side effects:    ____________
在首次处治之后,预期问题是什么?如何处理?After the initial treatment, what is your anticipated problem? How is it treated?    ____________
处治伤害Treatment of Injuries
稳定伤Stable Injuries如何管理稳定伤?How should a stable injury be managed?    ____________
不稳定伤Unstable Injuries列出我们在护理长骨不稳定伤时用到的处治步骤:List the treatment steps used to care for an unstable long bone injury:    ____________
如何区别处理关节?为什么?How are joints managed differently? Why?    ____________
蝮蛇Pit Vipers
列出几种北美蝮蛇:Name examples of pit vipers in North America:    ____________
蝮蛇毒素的评估标准是什么?What are the assessment criteria for a pit viper envenomation?    ____________
蝮蛇咬伤的处治原则是什么?What are the treatment principles for pit viper bites?    ____________
系统概括System Overview
皮肤的普通功能是什么?What is the normal function of the skin?    ____________
描述软组织受伤后的一般愈合过程:Describe the normal healing process following a soft tissue injury:    ____________
“高风险伤”中的“风险”是什么意思?举四个高风险伤口的例子:What is the risk in a high risk wound? List 4 examples of high risk wounds:1.    ____________
2.    ____________
3.    ____________
4.    ____________
系统概括System Overview
肌肉骨骼系统的一些功能是什么?What are some of the functions of the musculoskeletal system?    ____________
基础生命支持-工具和装备Basic Life Support – Tools and Equipment
口对面罩Mouth to Mask描述如何使用便携式呼吸面罩,包括合适的正压通气的速率和深度。Describe how to use a pocket mask and include the proper rate and depth of PPV.    ____________
生命体征Vital Signs
列出我们可以评估的六个生命体征:List six vital signs we can assess:    ____________
缩写词AVPU的每个字母代表着什么?What does each letter in the acronym AVPU stand for?    ____________
列举一些便秘的常见原因。List some common causes of constipation.    ____________
便秘可以如何处治和预防?How can it be treated; prevented?    ____________
缺血和梗死Ischemia and Infarction
缺血和梗死的区别是什么?What is the difference between ischemia and infarction?    ____________
呼吸系统问题Respiratory System Problems
对于呼吸系统的每个部分,列出两个具体问题和处治办法。For each component of the respiratory system, list two specific problems and the treatment.    ____________
列出在高海拔环境下面对的主要压力。List the primary stress confronted at altitude.
夹板原则Splinting Principles
构建夹板时应当采用的一般原则应该是什么?What general principles should be applied when constructing a splint?    ____________
筋膜室综合征是什么?What is a compartment syndrome?    ____________
怀疑有股骨不稳定伤时,是否总是应该进行牵引夹板?解释为什么。Is a traction splint always indicated for a suspected unstable injury of the femur? Explain.    ____________
缩写词SAMPLE的每个字母代表着什么?What does each letter in the acronym SAMPLE stand for?    ____________
系统概括System Overview
列出呼吸系统的五个部分:List the five components of the respiratory system:    ____________
列出每个部分相关的一般问题(例如上呼吸道:梗阻):List the general problem associated with each component (i.e. upper airway: obstruction):    ____________
对于所有呼吸系统问题的基本处治是什么?What is the basic treatment for all respiratory system problems?    ____________
描述呼吸窘迫,呼吸衰竭和呼吸停止:在答案里要包含如何区分三者。Describe respiratory distress, failure, and arrest: Include in your answer how they differ.    ____________
毒素有哪四种方式进入身体? What are the four ways that toxins enter the body?
1.    ____________
2.    ____________
3.    ____________
4.    ____________
描述中风的几种不同原因:Describe the different causes of a stroke:.    ____________
列出发生中风时可能出现的体征和症状:List some common signs and symptoms that can occur with a stroke:    ____________
描述中风的管理原则:Describe the management principles involved with a stroke:    ____________
基础生命支持-循环系统Basic Life Support – Circulatory System
脉搏Pulse描述CPR(成人,儿童和婴儿)的合适动作顺序:Describe the proper sequence of actions for CPR (adult, child and infant):    ____________
如何预防蜱虫咬伤?如何移除蜱虫?How can tick bites be prevented? How do you remove a tick?    ____________
列出一些与蜱媒疾病相关的常见的体征和症状。List some common signs and symptoms associated with many tick-borne illnesses.    ____________
系统概括System Overview
根据脱臼法则,哪些关节可以被复位?According to the Dislocation Protocol, which joints may be reduced?    ____________
为什么受伤机制要重点考量?Why is the mechanism of injury an important consideration?    ____________
概括之上列出的每个脱臼的复位技术:Outline a reduction technique for each of the dislocations you listed above:    ____________
血管性休克Vascular Shock
名词血管性休克的意思是什么?What is meant by the term vascular shock?    ____________
列出血管性休克的两个常见机制:List two common mechanisms for vascular shock:    ____________
描述血管性休克的处治原则:Describe the treatment principles for vascular shock:    ____________
耳部问题Ear Problems
对下面的问题,列出常见的评估标准,处治办法和任何预防措施:List the common assessment criteria, treatment, and any preventive strategies for the following:中耳感染(中耳炎):Middle Ear Infection (Otitis Media):    ____________
外耳感染(游泳耳病):External Ear Infection (Swimmer’s Ear):    ____________
鼻窦炎 (鼻窦感染):Sinusitis (Sinus Infection):    ____________
耳和鼻窦感染的危险信号有哪些?What are the red flags for ear and sinus infections?    ____________
低血糖的评估标准和处治指南是什么?What are the assessment criteria and treatment guidelines for hypoglycemia?    ____________
系统概括System Overview
缩写词STOPEATS的每个字母代表着什么?为什么它们很重要?What does each letter in the acronym STOPEATS stand for? Why are they important?    ____________
脊柱伤的评估Assessment of Spine injuries
列出脊柱评估法则的步骤细节:List the steps of the Spine Assessment Protocol in detail:    ____________
描述什么是可靠伤患和不可靠伤患的意思:Describe what is meant by a reliable patient and an unreliable patient:    ____________
受到了MOI(例如创伤)之后,在脊柱可以被排查之前,要满足哪个条件?Following an MOI (e.g., trauma), which criteria must be fulfilled before a spine can be considered cleared ?    ____________
基础生命支持-工具和装备Basic Life Support – Tools and Equipment
自动/半自动体外除颤器(AED/SAED)Automatic/Semi Automatic External Defibrillator (AED/SAED)描述AED/SAED的功能和它的用途:Describe the function of an AED/SAED and it’s purpose:    ____________
列出AED/SAED的局限:List a limitation of an AED/SAED:    ____________
什么条件和因素会让人更容易造成冻伤?What conditions and factors predispose a person to frostbite?
列举一些腹泻的常见原因。List some common causes of the diarrhea.    ____________
腹泻可以如何处治和预防?How can it be treated; prevented?    ____________
腹泻的危险信号有哪些?What are the red flags for diarrhea?    ____________
1. 描述WMAI的伤口清理法则的步骤。1. Describe the steps of the WMA Wound Cleaning Protocol.    ____________
2. 伤患需要后送撤离到权威医疗机构的情况有多紧急?2. How urgently does this patient need to be evacuated to definitive care?    ____________
3. 什么样的体征/症状会增加这个后送撤离的紧迫性?3. What signs/symptoms or conditions would increase the urgency of this evacuation?    ____________
首要评估Primary Assessment
首要评估的主要目的是什么?What is the main goal of a primary assessment?    ____________
系统概括System Overview
列出循环系统的三个主要部分:List the three major components of the circulatory system:    ____________
描述循环系统的主要功能:Describe the main function of the circulatory system:    ____________
什么是休克?What is shock?    ____________
眼部问题Eye Problems
列出以下问题的评估标准,处治和预防措施:List assessment criteria, treatment, and preventive strategies for each:异物:Foreign Body:    ____________
角膜擦伤:Corneal Abrasion:    ____________
结膜炎 (红眼病):Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye):    ____________
日光性角膜炎(雪盲症):Solar Keratitis (Snow blindness):    ____________
眼部问题的危险信号有哪些?What are the red flags for eye problems?    ____________
基础生命支持-呼吸系统Basic Life Support – Respiratory System
呼吸Respirations描述保持呼吸道打开的技巧:Describe techniques for maintaining an open airway:    ____________
描述什么是充足的呼吸:Describe adequate breathing:    ____________
描述什么是有效救援呼吸的原则:Describe the principles of effective rescue breathing:    ____________
胸部疼痛Chest Pain
列举一些胸部疼痛的常见原因和处治办法。List some common causes for chest pain and their treatments.    ____________
胸部疼痛的危险信号有哪些?What are the red flags for chest pain?    ____________
腹部疼痛Abdominal Pain
腹部疼痛的危险信号有哪些?What are the red flags for abdominal pain?    ____________
列出HAPE不同阶段的体征,症状和处治。List the signs, symptoms, and treatment for the different stages of HAPE.
呼吸系统感染Respiratory Infections
列出几种呼吸系统感染的常见形式的评估标准:List the assessment criteria for some common forms of respiratory infections:    ____________
列出相应的处治办法和预防措施:List the treatment and preventive strategies for each:    ____________
呼吸系统感染的危险信号有哪些?What are the red flags for a respiratory infection?    ____________
尿路感染(UTI)Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)
列出几种尿路感染的常见形式的评估标准:List the assessment criteria for the common forms of UTIs.    ____________
列出相应的处治办法和预防措施:List treatment and preventive strategies for each    ____________
尿路感染的危险信号有哪些?What are the red flags for urinary tract infections?    ____________
1. 根据WMAI的指导方针,出现了什么样的体征和症状表明有过敏反应的伤患已经从轻微过敏反应恶化到了严重过敏反应?1. According the WMA’s guidelines, which signs and symptoms indicate that a patient who is experiencing an allergic reaction has progressed from a mild allergic reaction to anaphylaxis ?    ____________
2. 描述WMAI严重过敏反应法则中的具体处治步骤(药物和剂量)。2. Describe the specific treatment steps (medications and dosages) in the WMA Anaphylaxis Protocol.    ____________
3. 如果伤患在偏远环境中,后送撤离十分困难和/或不切实际,还有哪些药物(包括剂量)可以给伤患使用(如果刚好有药)?3. If this patient was in a remote environment, and evacuation was difficult and/or impractical, what additional medication, including dosage, could be given (if available)?    ____________
为什么基础生命支持是关键的处治考虑?Why is basic life support a critical treatment consideration?    ____________
案例学习Case Studies桥接(WAFA 到 WFR)5-Day WFR此学习指南意在协助你回顾国际野外医学协会的野外第一响应人(WFR)课程内容中的关键材料。其课本《野外与救援医学》涵盖了此学习指南中所有的材料。This Study guide is intended to aid you in review of key material included in the Wilderness Medical Associates First Responder (WFR) curriculum. The text book you will receive (Wilderness and Rescue Medicine) covers all of the material posed in this Study Guide.请阅读下列三个案例学习,并且回答接下来每个案例学习中的问题,并且对每个案例完成一份SOAP笔记。在做出评估和处治决定时,要记住野外医学的一般原则,还有WMAI的野外法则,以及考虑风险/收益的计算。Please read the following 6 case studies. Pick any two (2) and answer the questions that follow each case study and complete a SOAP note for each. Keep in mind the general principles of wilderness medicine, as well as WMA’s wilderness protocols, and consider risk/benefit calculations in your assessments and treatment decisions.将你三份写好的SOAP笔记和答案带到课堂上去,因为有可能第一天就要交上去。Bring your 2 written SOAP notes and answers to your course as they may be collected on the first day.
评估伤害Assessment of Injuries
稳定伤和不稳定伤的意思是什么?如何区分?What is meant by a stable and an unstable injury? How do they differ?    ____________
CSM检查包括了什么?评估不正常说明了什么?What is included in a CSM check? What does an abnormal assessment indicate?    ____________
对所有的溺水伤患都应该CPR吗?解释为什么。Is CPR indicated on all drowning patients? Explain your answer:
对于流鼻血,列出常见的评估标准,处治办法和任何预防措施:List the common causes, treatment, and preventive strategies for nose bleeds.    ____________
流鼻血的危险信号有哪些?What are the red flags for nose bleeds?    ____________
受伤脊柱的移动Movement of injured spines
描述我们在移动一个脊柱受伤的伤患时使用到的原则:Describe the principles utilized when moving a spine injured patient:    ____________
所有脊柱伤的伤患都需要在移动之前进行稳定吗?请解释为什么。Do all spine injured patients require stabilization before being moved? Please explain your answer.    ____________
基础生命支持-呼吸系统Basic Life Support – Respiratory System
异物导致呼吸道梗阻Foreign Body Airway Obstruction描述如何区分部分梗阻和完全梗阻:Describe how to differentiate between a partial and complete obstruction:    ____________
描述呼吸道完全梗阻的处治:Describe the treatment for complete airway obstruction:    ____________
系统概括System Overview
脊椎骨和脊髓有什么不同?它们各自的功能是什么?What is the difference between spinal column and the spinal cord? What is the function of each?    ____________
轻微低体温症Mild Hypothermia评估标准是什么?What are the assessment criteria?    ____________
处治是什么?What is the treatment?    ____________
严重低体温症Severe Hypothermia评估标准是什么?What are the assessment criteria?    ____________
描述实地稳定和处治的办法。Describe field stabilization and treatment.    ____________
严重低体温症的相关并发症有哪些?What are the complications associated with severe hypothermia?    ____________
劳累性低血钠症Exertional Hyponatremia
列出一些常见的先决条件和病因。List some common preconditions and causes.    ____________
评估标准是什么?What are the assessment criteria?    ____________
处治是什么?What is the treatment?    ____________
它如何跟热衰竭和热射病区分开来?How can this be distinguished from heat exhaustion and heat stroke?    ____________
基础生命支持-循环系统Basic Life Support – Circulatory System
严重出血Severe Bleeding描述如何快速评估创伤(扫描血迹),来寻找严重出血:Describe a rapid trauma assessment (blood sweep) looking for serious bleeding:    ____________
列出并描述阻止出血的有效方法:List and describe some effective ways to stop bleeding:    ____________
概括局部反应和轻微过敏反应的处治:Outline the treatment for a local reaction and a mild allergic reaction:
基础生命支持-神经系统Basic Life Support – Nervous System
意识水平Level of Consciousness当伤患AVPU为A以下时,预期问题有哪些?When a patient is less than A on AVPU, what are the anticipated problems?    ____________
描述下面每个烧伤的评估标准:Describe the assessment criteria of each of the following burns:浅度:Superficial:    ____________
中度:Partial Thickness:    ____________
重度:Full Thickness:    ____________
列出一些身体大面积烧伤的并发症:List some of the complications associated with large body surface area burns:    ____________
如何处理烧伤?How are burns treated?    ____________
定义两者,包括技术上的区别:Define each including the differences in skills:    ____________
直流电伤害-机制DC Injuries - Mechanism
雷击即将到来时有哪些预警信号?What are some of the warning signs that a lightning strike may be imminent?    ____________
描述下面几种类型的雷击:Describe the following types of lightning strikes:1. 直击:1. Direct hit:    ____________
2. 飞溅:2. Splash-over:    ____________
3. 地表电流:3. Ground current:    ____________
肿胀的两种来源是什么?What are two sources of swelling?    ____________
肿胀的严重预期问题是什么?What is the serious anticipated problem of swelling?    ____________
氧合与灌注Oxygenation and Perfusion
氧合与灌注的区别是什么?What is the difference between perfusion and oxygenation?    ____________
为什么两者对身体都很重要?Why are both of these important in the body?    ____________
恶心和呕吐Nausea and Vomiting
列举一些常见原因。List some common causes.    ____________
可以如何处治和预防?How can it be treated; prevented?    ____________
恶心和呕吐的危险信号有哪些?What are the red flags for nausea and vomiting?    ____________
身体系统Body Systems
列出三个关键系统:List the three critical systems:    ____________
海洋毒素Marine Toxins
列出两个例子,并且描述每个例子的处治。List two examples and describe the treatment for each.1.    ____________
2.    ____________
溺水的主要问题是什么?如何处理?What is the primary problem with drowning and how is it managed?
代偿机制Compensation Mechanisms
代偿是什么意思?代偿机制为什么会对我们的伤患评估有帮助?What is meant by compensation and how do compensation mechanisms help with patient assessments?    ____________
举几个例子:Give examples:    ____________
身体检查Physical Exam
描述如何进行有效地身体检查?Describe an effective physical exam?    ____________
心源性休克Cardiogenic Shock
心源性休克是什么?它跟心脏停跳有什么不同?What is cardiogenic shock and how does it differ from a cardiac arrest?    ____________
列出两种常见的心源性休克的机制:List two common mechanisms for cardiogenic shock:    ____________
次要评估Secondary Assessment
列出三个组成部分:List the three subcomponents:    ____________
案例1:划船被蛰STING, PADDLING在里奥格兰德河上的一次白水皮划艇旅途中,一名18岁的女性在一处热门游玩地点处,沿着河岸踏出了她的船只。离开了船只后,她惨叫着挥舞着自己的手臂和双脚,同时她跳入了河岸边的浅水处。当她的同伴划船手到来时,她表示自己对蜜蜂过敏,并且在肩膀上被蛰咬了一次。On a whitewater canoeing trip down the Rio Grande River, an18 y/o female stepped from her boat along shore at a popular play spot. Upon exiting, she cried out and flailed her arms and legs as she jumped in the shallow water along the bank. When her fellow paddlers arrived, she stated that she was allergic to bees and she had just been stung, once, on her right shoulder.1300时,伤患主诉手臂和双脚极度瘙痒,而且对于自己在众人面前发生了过敏反应感到十分尴尬。她说她有对蜜蜂蛰咬的过敏反应病史,并且她表示在以前发生严重反应时,她必须得使用肾上腺素注射笔。她这次身上没有携带肾上腺素注射笔。体检时,伤患在胸口,后背和脸上起疹。她的眼皮明显肿胀。她的右后肩膀上可以看到一条红色的肿胀痕迹。她的生命体征如下:脉搏:100;呼吸30并且短促;皮肤:胸口,后背和脸部起疹;精神状态:醒着并且焦虑。At 1300 hours, the pt. complained of intense itchiness on her arms and legs and was extremely embarrassed to be having a reaction in front of others. She said she had a history of allergic reactions to bee stings, and she stated that she had had to use an Epi-pen in the past for severe reactions. She did not have an Epi-pen with her on this occasion. On exam the pt. presented with hives on her chest, back, and face; her eyelids were noticeably swollen. A red swollen welt on her right posterior shoulder could also be seen. Her vitals were as follows: Pulse: 100; Resp: 30 and shallow; Skin: hives on chest, back, face; mental status; awake and anxious.将上述故事中的合适信息填入SOAP笔记中的正确位置。Put the appropriate information from the above story into the correct spaces provided in the SOAP note.给出一份评估,识别出预期问题,并且基于你在1300时所知的情况,对伤患给出处治计划。Develop an Assessment, identify the anticipated problems, and create a treatment plan for this patient, based on what you know at 1300 hours.这位伤患很幸运,现场有一支可使用的肾上腺素注射笔。在1315时,使用了0.3mg肾上腺素和50mg的苯海拉明之后,伤患的病情显著好转。她的脸部没有那么浮肿,尽管疹子依旧存在,她表示皮肤没有那么痒了。1330时,伤患的疹子减少了。她没有表现出病情反复或是两相反应的体征。生命体征如下:脉搏:84;呼吸:16而且轻松;皮肤:轻微肿胀和起疹;精神状态:警觉而有判断力。Fortunately for this patient, an Epi-pen was available on scene. At 1315, after 0.3 mg of epinephrine and 50 mg of Benadryl was administered, the patient’s condition improved considerably. Her face was less swollen, and though hives were still present, she stated that her skin was less itchy. By 1330, the patient’s hives had decreased. She showed no signs of a rebound or biphasic reaction. Vitals were as follows: Pulse: 84; Resp: 16 and easy; Skin: minor swelling and hives; mental status: alert and oriented.修改你的SOAP笔记,以反应出伤患在1330时的变化。Modify your SOAP note to reflect the changes in your patient at 1330.如果现场没有药物可供使用,你对这个伤患的处置计划会如何改变?If no medication had been available on scene, how would this change your treatment plan for this patient?
精神状态与意识水平Mental Status and Level of Consciousness
当伤患精神状态/意识水平不正常时,你的两个主要的担忧是什么?What are your two primary concerns with a patient with an abnormal mental status/level of consciousness?    ____________
1. 你觉得在案例中的救援者对伤患一号开始CPR是否合适?描述为什么合适或为什么不合适。1. Do you believe it is appropriate for the rescuers in this case study to start CPR on PATIENT #1? Describe why or why not.    ____________
2. 根据WMAI的CPR法则,为什么偏远地区里你可以停止对一个伤患进行CPR?2. Based on the WMA CPR Protocol, why might you stop performing CPR on a patient in the backcountry?    ____________
3. 如果事故发生在偏远的地点,而你需要在外面过夜,那么你可以有哪些针对性的步骤来给伤患二号进行伤患照护,伤患保温等等,以便提高他的存活几率?3. If this accident occurred in a remote location and you had to spend the night out, what specific steps could you take regarding patient care, patient warmth, etc., to give patient #2 the best chance of survival?    ____________
最好如何处理抽搐发作?How is a seizure best managed?    ____________
现场评估Scene Size-up
列出三个组成部分:List the three sub-components:    ____________
伤病机制(MOI)是什么意思?列出三个例子:What is meant by mechanism of injury (MOI)? List three examples:    ____________
描述在预防雷击中的一些重要考量。Describe some of the important considerations in preventing lightning strikes?    ____________
哮喘法则Asthma Protocol
开始哮喘法则之前必须满足哪些条件?What conditions must be satisfied before this protocol can be initiated?    ____________
列出药物的名字和它们的剂量:什么人要被后送撤离?List the medications named and their dosages: Who needs to be evacuated?    ____________
CPR 法则CPR Protocol
解释为什么需要一个特别的CPR野外法则:Explain why there is a need for special CPR Protocol:    ____________
它跟传统非野外的观点有什么不同?How does it differ from conventional expectation?    ____________
为以下列出来的每个问题,列出预处理的评估标准和处治:List the pretreatment assessment criteria and treatment for each of the following:
亚冻伤:Frostnip:    ____________
浅度冻伤:Superficial:    ____________
深度冻伤:Deep:    ____________
什么时候深度冻伤可以安全解冻?解释为什么。When can deep frostbite be thawed safely? Explain your answer.    ____________
什么是一个非冷冻类的寒冷伤?它什么时候会发生?What is a non-freezing cold injury? When does it occur?    ____________
对于闪电受害者我们应该预期他们会有哪些相关伤病?What types of associated injuries should be anticipated in lightning victims?    ____________
处治疼痛Treating Pain
在使用药物之前,有哪个原则对于管理疼痛是重要的?Before resorting to medications, what principle is important in managing pain?    ____________
案例2:徒步时被熊袭击BEAR ATTACK, HIKING在一个美丽的秋日,1500时,一个独行的徒步客决定进行一个短途徒步。在距离小路尽头不远处,他惊扰了一头棕熊,然后被熊咬了。三个在此区域内的徒步客在袭击发生之后很快发现了伤患。三人让一个小组成员回去寻找帮助,另外两人留下来照护伤患。At 1500, on a beautiful autumn day, a solo hiker decided to take a short hike. Not far from the trailhead he surprised a brown bear and ended up being mauled. Three other hikers who were in the area discovered the pt. soon after the attack. The three sent one of their group members to get help while the other two stayed behind to help take care of the pt.1700时,一个救援小组到达现场。经过询问,伤患表示熊咬了他手臂几次。然后熊咬了他的脚,将他的靴子拉掉了。伤患尝试过光脚走出去,但是没有靴子他不能够走出去。伤患主诉双手和右脚疼痛。他表示自己没有过敏史,没有定期服用的药物,也不记得自己上次注射破伤风疫苗是什么时候了。他这一天都有饮水和吃零食。他记得袭击的每个细节。体检后,发现伤患在两手前臂上有着四处刺孔/挤压伤,深度达2.5厘米。伤口造成了中等程度的失血,但是在体检时伤口已经不主动流血了。在伤患的右脚底部有一处7.5厘米长的非常浅的撕裂伤。伤患脸上和脖子上有血迹,但是那些血看上去是从他手臂上流出的,没有发现其他的伤口。他的生命体征如下:脉搏:86;呼吸:20;皮肤:粉红,温暖而且干燥;精神状态:警觉而且有判断力,但是焦虑。救援者无法测量伤患的血压。A rescue group arrived at 1700 hours. Upon questioning, the patient stated that the bear bit him several times on the arms. The bear then bit him on the foot and pulled off his boot. The patient had tried to walk out barefoot, but he was unable to walk without his boot. The pt. complained of pain in both arms and his right foot. He stated he had no allergies, took no regular medications, and he had no idea when his last tetanus shot was. He had been drinking water and snacking all day. He remembered the attack in vivid detail. Upon exam, it was noted that the pt. had four puncture/crush wounds of approximately one inch (2.5cm) in depth to each forearm. The wounds had resulted in some moderate blood loss but none of the wounds was actively bleeding at the time of the exam. A three inch (7.5cm), fairly shallow laceration was noted on the bottom of the patient’s right foot. The pt. had blood on his face and neck, but the blood appeared to have come from his arms as no additional wounds were noted. His vitals were as follows: Pulse: 86; Resp: 20; Skin: pink, warm, and dry; mental status: alert and oriented, but anxious. The rescuers were unable to take the patient’s blood pressure.将上述故事中的合适信息填入SOAP笔记中的正确位置。Put the appropriate information from the above story into the correct spaces provided in the SOAP note.给出一份评估,识别出预期问题,并且基于你在1700时所知的情况,对伤患给出处治计划。Develop an Assessment, identify the anticipated problems, and create a treatment plan for this patient, based on what you know at 1700 hours.在1730时,伤患的生命体征在重测之后如下:脉搏:78;呼吸:14;皮肤:粉红,温暖而且干燥;精神状态:警觉而且有判断力,但是为熊有可能回来这件事而感到焦虑。1730时,伤患开始埋怨很冷,而且开始发抖。At 1730 hours, the patient’s vitals were take again and were as follows: Pulse: 78; Resp: 14; Skin: pink, warm, ad dry; mental status: alert and oriented, but anxious that the bear would return. At 1730, the patient began complaining of being cold and started to shiver.修改你的SOAP笔记,以反应出伤患在1330时的变化。Modify your SOAP note to reflect any changes noted at 1730.事故发生地点距离小路尽头接近一个小时(步行);小路尽头距离最近的诊所1.5小时车程。如果伤患可以行走,协助他走出去(到小路尽头)大概全程需要消耗三个小时。如果伤患不能行走,用担架抬出去需要三个小时(到达小路尽头)。附近有一辆全地形车ATV,但是ATV大概要开三个小时才能到达伤患所在处。除了寒冷的温度以外,没有其他的重大天气问题。This incident occurred roughly one hour (by foot) from a trailhead; the trailhead was a 1.5 hour drive to the nearest clinic. If the patient is able to walk, an assisted walk out (to the trailhead) would take around three hours. If the patient is unable to walk, a litter carry-out would take about three hours (to the trailhead). An ATV is available nearby, but it would take around three hours to get the ATV to the patient. There are no major weather concerns other than cooling temps.请描述你的撤离后送计划。describe evacuation plan.
列出HACE不同阶段的体征,症状和处治。List the signs, symptoms, and treatment for the different stages of HACE.
关于体温调节的考虑Thermoregulatory considerations
热量从身体转移走的机制有哪几种?What are the mechanisms by which heat is transferred away from the body?    ____________
身体如何保存,制造和散发掉热量?How does the body retain, produce and dissipate heat?    ____________
案例3:滑雪摔倒FALL, SKIING一组年轻男性见天气晴好便滑雪出了边界,进入了一片著名的陡峭滑道。当时的雪道情况十分恶劣:因为前几天来回的融雪/冻结,雪道上面全是冰渣。两个滑雪者选择了一条最陡峭最狭窄的雪道进行下滑。两人几乎一上坡就开始失去控制。目击者表示两人当时速度越来越快,装备开始从身上掉落,在雪道底部撞击到树木弹起后消失了。没有受伤的滑雪者们向附近的雪地巡逻队求救。尽管响应人们尽快进行了响应,他们到达伤患所在地点时(从发生事故开始)还是过去了45分钟。第一组巡逻员在10:00时到达,发现在树底下有一个年轻男性;第二个滑雪者则是在雪道底部。A group of young males, inspired by sunny weather, skied out of bounds, into a area that had a reputation for steep-chute skiing. The conditions at the time were treacherous; the chutes were sheathed in ice from days of a recent melt/freeze cycle. Two of the skiers chose one of the steepest and tightest of the chutes as their descent route. Both lost control almost immediately after skiing onto the slope. Witnesses stated that the two picked up speed, lost their equipment, and started bouncing off trees before disappearing into the bottom of the chute. The uninjured skiers reported the accident to nearby ski patrollers. Although the responders responded as soon as possible, 45 minutes passed (from time of incident) before rescuers reached the patients. The first patrollers arrived at 1000 hours to find one young male at the base of a tree; the second skier was found at the bottom of the chute.经过检查,伤患一号没有反应并且没有脉搏。在检查了整整一分钟的颈动脉之后,伤患被诊断为心脏停跳。On exam, patient #1 was unresponsive and pulseless. After checking his carotid pulse for a full minute, the patient was determined to be in cardiac arrest.经过检查,伤患二号呼吸作汩汩声。他对疼痛有反应。伤患头部有严重创伤并且伴有变形,他的脸部和后侧颅骨肿胀。伤患二号呼吸道中有许多血液。呼吸道立刻被清理,并且对其进行了正压通气。伤患表现出严重的呼吸窘迫。左前和左侧的胸壁有捻发音。左侧呼吸声缺失。他的前腹部膨胀并且有压痛感。四肢没有明显变形,但是稳定或移动伤患下肢时他会大声呻吟。四肢的CSM表现为完好。On exam patient #2 was found with gurgling respirations. He was pain responsive. Significant trauma was noted on his head with deformity and swelling around the face and the posterior skull. Patient #2 had a significant amount of blood in his airway. The airway was immediately cleared and PPV was initiated. The patient presented with severe respiratory distress. There was crepitus noted in his L anterior and lateral chest wall. Breath sounds were absent on the L side. His anterior abdomen was distended and tender. No gross deformities were noted in the extremities, but the patient moaned loudly when his lower extremities were stabilized or moved. The CSM in all four extremities appeared to be intact.伤患二号的生命体征如下:脉搏:140且虚弱;呼吸40且极度费力;血压:180/P;皮肤:苍白,冷,湿;精神状态:AVPU为P。没测伤患的体温。Patient #2’s vitals were as follows: pulse: 140 and weak; Resp: 40 and extremely labored: B/P: 180 /p; Skin: pale, cool, moist; mental status: P on AVPU. The patient’s temperature was not taken.将上述故事中的两个伤患的合适信息填入SOAP笔记中的正确位置。Put the appropriate information from the above story into the correct spaces provided in a SOAP note for each of the above patients.给出一份评估,识别出预期问题,并且基于你在10:00时所知的情况,对伤患二号给出处治计划。Develop an Assessment, identify the anticipated problems, and create a treatment plan for patient #2, based on what you know at 1000 hours.当伤患到达山底下时,有一架直升飞机可供使用。从现场撤离后送到基地区域的时间大概需要20分钟(在伤患被打包好了之后)。从基地空运走大概另外需要30分钟才能到达创伤中心。Once the patient reached the base of the mountain, a helicopter was available. The evacuation time from the scene (after patient packaging) was roughly 20 minutes to the base area. It was an additional 30 minutes by air to the Trauma Center.
创伤性脑损伤(TBI)和颅内压增高(↑ICP)Traumatic Brain Inury (TBI) and Increased Intracranial Pressure (ICP)
什么是颅内压升高?为什么它很严重?What is increased ICP and what is its significance?    ____________
什么是TBI?预期问题是什么?What is a TBI: What is the anticipated problem?    ____________
描述颅内压升高的早期和晚期评估标准:Describe the early and late assessment criteria for increased ICP:    ____________
当撞击头部之后,出现什么样的体征/症状之后应该建议后送撤离?After a blow to the head, which signs/symptoms should prompt an evacuation?:    ____________
列出一些常见的导致溺水的因素:List some of the general contributing factors to drowning:
接触毒素的处理有哪些一般原则?What are the general principles of toxin exposure management?
列出几种阴道炎的常见形式的评估标准:List the assessment criteria for the common forms of vaginitis:    ____________
列出相应的处治办法和预防措施:List treatment and preventive strategies for each:    ____________
阴道炎的危险信号有哪些?What are the red flags for vaginitis?    ____________
牙齿创伤和感染Dental Trauma and Infections
列出牙齿创伤和感染的重要评估标准:List the important assessment criteria for dental trauma and infections:    ____________
列出相对的处治办法和预防措施:List the treatment and any preventive strategies for each:    ____________
急性压力反应 (ASR)Acute Stress Reaction (ASR)
定义两种类型的ASR,以及它们分别是如何表现出来的:Define the two types of ASR and how they manifest themselves:    ____________
解释两种类型的ASR分别会如何影响你的评估或处治:Explain how each could affect your assessment or treatment:    ____________
炎热相关疾病Heat Related Illnesses
机制Mechanism除了温度以外,还有哪些因素可以导致炎热相关疾病?Besides the temperature, what other factors contribute to heat related illness?    ____________
热射病Heat Stroke热射病的主要原因是什么?What are the main causes of heat stroke?    ____________
评估标准是什么?What are the assessment criteria?    ____________
处治是什么?What is the treatment?    ____________
热衰竭总是在热射病之前发作吗?解释为什么。Is heat stroke always preceded by the onset of heat exhaustion? Explain.    ____________
局部感染的症状有哪些?全身性感染呢?What are the signs of a localized infection? Systemic infection?    ____________
对于伤口感染的处治原则是什么?What are the treatment principles for wound infections?    ____________
伤口法则Wound Protocol
描述伤口清理的过程:Describe the wound cleansing process:    ____________
缝合或伤口闭合的作用和实际担心的问题是什么?What are the roles and practical concerns around the use of sutures or wound closures?    ____________
截肢应该如何管理?How should amputations be managed?    ____________
描述关于刺入物体/异物的法则。Describe the protocol for impaled objects/foreign bodies.    ____________
列出具体的例子,说明我们可以怎样阻止海拔疾病。Give specific examples of how altitude sickness can be prevented.
容量性休克Volume Shock
列出容量性休克的三个常见原因:List three common causes of volume shock:    ____________
描述容量性休克的代偿期和失代偿期的生命体征趋势:Describe the vital sign trend for compensated and decompensated volume shock:    ____________
描述容量性休克的处治原则:Describe the treatment principles for volume shock:    ____________
什么时候容量性休克会被认为是一个需要后送撤离的严重问题?When is volume shock considered a serious problem requiring evacuation?    ____________