
2019Voice of the Customer -Stant2019年度斯丹德客户满意度调查

Overall,the value of STANT services compared with the price paid is? 总体来说,斯丹德产品性价比怎么样?
Excellent非常好 10
Verygood 很好 8
Good好 5
Fair一般 3
Poor很差 0
Howlikely are you to choose STANT as a business partner again?您会选择斯丹德作为贵司的战略合作伙伴吗?
Extremely well 一定会 10
Very well 会 8
Moderately well 可能会 5
Slightly well 不大会 3
Not at all well 不会 0
How strongwould you rate STANT as a business partner?和斯丹德成为战略伙伴的意愿有多强烈?
Very strong 非常强 10
Strong 强 8
Moderately strong 还好 5
Slightly strong 一般 3
Weak 不强烈 0
Howdo you compare the value that STANT provides against our competitors?和斯丹德的竞争对手相比,您觉得斯丹德怎么样?
Much better than competitors 斯丹德比竞争对手更好 10
Slightly better than competitors 斯丹德略佳 8
Same as competitors 差不多 5
Competitors are better 竞争对手更好 0
Your company name?贵公司名称?