
Digital Market Research for Chanel Cosmetics香奈儿彩妆的数字市场调查

Do you have any experience of traveling abroad?请问您是否有国外旅行的经历?
Yes 是
No 否
Is purchasing destination country luxuries one of your reasons goingabroad?请问购买当地奢侈品是否是您旅行的原因之一?
Yes 是
No 否
If the Chanel were to develop such an app, what features would you like to have? (multiple choice)若Chanel品牌研发此类app,您希望有哪些功能?(多选)
real-time translation实时翻译
Browse products online在线浏览商品
Introduction for each product有每样商品的款式介绍
Order online在线自主下单
Makeup Online Simulation Trial彩妆在线模拟试用
Others其他 请补充
Have you ever received an email or message from Chanel ?请问您有没有收到过香奈儿关于产品的邮件或短信?
Email 邮件
SMS 短信
Why are you willing to buy in-store? (Multiple choice)您愿意在实体店购买的原因?(多选)
Enjoy Chanel services想体验香奈儿服务
Want to see physical merchandise on display想看到实体商品展示
Want to try products想试用产品
Unwillingness to wait for online shipping times不愿等待网购运送时间
Others其他 请补充