
闲聊派对 - 元宇宙

Could you please tell us your job?/ 请问您的职业是?
University students/ 大学学生
Manager/ 管理人员,经理
Office worker/ 办公室人员
Computer Programmar/ 程序员
Teacher in a public primary or secondary school/ 小学或中学老师
Teacher/ Lecturer/ Professor in a University -- 大学老师,讲师,教授
Teacher in a private school/ institue -- 私立学校老师
Doctor/ 医生
Lawyer/ 律师
Entrepreneur (business/ start-ups) / 创业人员,企业家
Artist /艺术家
Others/ please specify -- 其他
How satisfactory do you feel about the content of the event? / 请问您对这次活动感到多满意?
Very Dissatisfactory / 非常不满意
Dissatisfactory / 不满意
Neutral / 中立
Satisfactory / 满意
Very satisfactory / 非常满意
What topics would you like to see in the next event?/ 在下次的活动中,您想看到什么主题呢?
How to earn more money/ 如何赚钱,实现财富自由
Art related/ 艺术相关
Learning a new skill/ 如何学一门新的技能
Mental health issues(lonliness, depression, anxiety)/ 心理问题相关(孤独,抑郁,焦虑,空心病)
Others/ 其他
What is the price do you think an event like this deserves?/ 对于这样的活动,请问您觉得每张门票多少钱最合适呢?