

What’s KPI? ( )什么是KPI?
A. Key Personality Indicator 关键个性指标
B. Key Performance Indicator 关键绩效指标
C. Knowledge Practice Index 知识实践指标
D. Knowledge Protection Instruction 知识保护介绍
(Multiple-choice)The frequency of Core KPI Scoring can be? ( )(多选)核心关键绩效指标的打分频率可以是?
A. Monthly 月度
B. Quarterly 季度
C. Half-year 半年度
D. Yearly 年度
Which case below would be given the DEMERIT score? ( )下面的哪种案例会被扣减分数?
A. Making a positive profit growth 利润实现净增长
B. Receiving customer complaint for poor quality of 50k cellphone shipped to customer交给客户的5万台手机出现质量问题,接到客户投诉
C. Recommending a Technician candidate 引荐一位技术员候选人
D. Saving S$5,000 cost 节省S$5,000花费
Salary for different position will be varied by following factors:
A、 Size Index
B、 Function Index
C、 Country/City Index
Eligibility of General Bonus is confirmed based on:
A、 Annual performance rating ME and above
B、 Employment is confirmed by the end of current year
C、 has not resigned or received termination notice from Company by bonus pay day