
An investigation of the use of Big Data Behaviour Analytics for improving Dynamic Pricing Semi-Automation in Hotel Revenue Management Field行为大数据分析在酒店利益管理领域用于改善动态定价半自动化的调查

Do you think by implementing Big Data Behavioural Analytics in the future could make a difference in your department, in terms of increase in profitability, better decision-making and service provided?您认为将来通过实施行为大数据分析,在提高盈利能力、改善决策和提供的服务方面,对您所在部门有影响吗?
Have you ever faced an information overload challenge?您是否曾经面临过信息过载的困难?
Why do you believe so?你为什么这么认为?
Big Data: Big Data is a collection of massive and complex data sets that it is impossible for traditional software and data-warehousing tools to process and analyse大数据:大数据是大量复杂数据集的集合,传统软件和数据仓库工具无法处理和分析Big Data Behaviour Analytics: Big Data consumer analytics defined as extract hidden insights into consumer behaviour from big data and leverage them with favourable interpretations行为大数据分析:行为大数据分析定义为从大数据中提取对消费者行为的隐藏洞察,并利用它们进行有利的解释
Will you filtered the time range of data created while searching for information? e.g. only look for the information that is created within 6 months在搜索信息时,是否会筛选数据所创建的时间范围?例如,仅查找 6 个月内创建的信息